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Never in my wildest dreams! Weren’t we just 20 years old on our first date at Pizza Nova in Point Loma, over a bowl of pesto spaghetti I was too embarrassed to eat, finding out…
Dear 30s, I said goodbye to you last week with a lovely surprise 40th birthday party, time with friends and family, lots of sugary treats, sleep-in mornings and spa visits. I said goodbye to a…
From e-design to in-person home consulting, I’ll offer you a friendly and comfortable way to decorate your home on any budget. (Very limited availability email
· Local In-Home Consultations
· E-Design Services
· Paint Color Consultations
· Space Planning
· Product Sourcing and Selection
· Local Event Planning or E-Design Party Styling
Fibular Hemimelia is essentially the total or partial absence of the fibula bone. It’s officially called Longitudinal Fibular Deficiency.
Our little boy was diagnosed with this abnormality and we had grieved and healed enough from the initial diagnosis and now in joy get to watch him thrive. We hope our findings, research and experience will benefit someone else as they tackle this diagnosis.
Momma, wife, believer and lover of all things home, Jackie was the 14 year old waiting patiently by the mailbox for her Martha Stewart magazine to come, spending afternoons crafting and creating. . .
Life has a way of circling back around even when you take the round about way to a more creative calling. Initially working in the healthcare field, Jackie has a masters degree in nutrition from Boston University & spent several years as a Registered Dietitian working with patients on the opposite side of the country from her California roots. Life got hard with the arrival of motherhood and frankly not very much fun after the arrival of a colicky second little boy. But hard things are often good things in disguise. What it started was the purposeful pursuit of lovely and that has been an abiding gift from a very hard season. Visionary, creative soul and continual seeker of lovely in all the ordinary places of life, both in hard days and good, Finding Lovely is a place you are welcome to stay and hopefully encouraged when you leave.