Blueberry Picking–A New England Moment

Oh sweet summertime. Give me all the trips to the farm. Precautions are in place to make this a safe and enjoyable experience so don’t hesitate to go if you feel up to it. It certainly helped our sanity. Blueberry picking–a new england moment, is a sweet wandering to do while the weather is nice.


We headed to Honey Pot Hill Orchards in Stow, a very favorite of ours to do some summertime blueberry picking. We go every year. Arriving first thing in the morning, I went into the farm store while the kiddos and friends waited outside. They ask that you wash your hands thoroughly prior to feeding the animals or walking to the field which we did at convenient wash stations set up outside. Masked up and hands washed, we headed to the field.

I allowed the kiddos (and me!) some mask-free minutes while Ruthie captured these sweet moments. How nice is it to see your kids’ faces?!  With no one else in the field that early, it was a few welcome moments of sanity outside, brief though it was. It is my right as a momma to judge my children’s ability to handle the masked outings. Kai is 4 and just one year older then the age the requirement begins for face coverings. I think it is hardest on him and I want to be attentive to his ability to handle it, especially after learning the hard way why momma says not to jump on the couch. His little mask went tightly across his poor split eye and bandage. You do you while trying your hardest to keep them and others safe.

The boys were worried they wouldn’t get to feed the goats as the quarter grain machines in the farmyard have been disassembled. However in the farm store, when you go in to buy the blueberry quarts (& cider donuts), the grain has been pre portioned out for a dollar. After washing your hands you are welcome to feed the goats and pigs.

Honey Pot Hill Orchard has two different fields for blueberry picking. One near the road right across the street from the farm store entrance and one, a 5-7 minute walk up a pleasant path along the apple orchards. We chose that one, further from the road and other potential visitors.

They had it marked nicely so you can easily find your way. I had the boys stay on the dirt path as I thought I spotted some poison ivy on the edge. I’m not an expert however having grown up in California.

The blueberry field is netted to keep birds from eating all the blueberries although there were a fair number inside. Very impressive birds, very impressive.

It’s a beautiful field and there are a couple different kinds of blueberries inside from what I can tell. I prefer the smaller blueberries in pies which is what I opted to pick. The boys just picked whatever looked best to them. And Aubrey, well she went to town barely keeping any in her quart.

A sweet memory in a time of uncertainty. We’re all just trying to do the best we can and being outside sure feels nice. I’m thankful for places like Honey Pot Hill Orchard, the ability to support local agriculture and small business and very thankful for pie! Stay tuned for that deliciousness coming soon.

Ruthie, thank you for capturing this outing, blueberry picking–a New England moment and letting the babies play together. If you are in need of some family pictures (and who isn’t!) make sure you reach out to Ruth Eileen Photography.

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