Easter Carrot Wreath

Whimsical and sweet, this Easter Carrot Wreath is easily made from Christmas bottlebrush trees. And if this doesn’t float your Easter boat, hop over to this Wooden Easter Egg Wreath or this more colorful Painted Egg Wreath.

We’re in the middle of our garage organization project at the moment and most of our holiday decor is stored above this space. So as we clean out messy corners of the garage we’re finding bits of holiday decorations that escaped their boxes on the way up the ladder. I noticed a grouping of my sisal Christmas trees in this process and it dawned on me how cute these could look as an Easter Wreath. Inspiration strikes in the weirdest ways! I reckoned, holding one upside down, “paint them orange and you’ve basically got carrots” and sure enough, they do look like carrots. A few easy tweaks and they become an adorable Easter Carrot Wreath.

I found this set on Etsy which a little bunny quickly absconded with. They’re the perfect color and size.

Because it’s March and there aren’t many sisal Christmas trees to be found, my options were sparse and I was fully expecting to have to spray paint plain white ones. This might be a good “snag for much cheaper at the holidays” kind of buy. But this set on Etsy is the perfect number of “carrots” and already the right colors and sizes. They read pink online so I was expecting to need to spray paint them to mute them a bit but I didn’t need to spray paint a single one. They were perfect! I also wanted the longer wire stem so there was room to bend into a hook.

Add some green raffia ribbon for “leaves” and you’ve got the cutest Easter Carrot Wreath for your door. I looooove my real Pussy Willow wreaths so it took a lot for me to take those down but the love these kids have for color and Easter is strong.


Set of long wired Sisal Christmas Trees (I bought this set of already orange trees)

Green Raffia Ribbon


Wire Cutters

Optional Spray paint if you want to change the color of the bottle brush trees


Start by cutting the base off the bottom of the bottle brush trees using a wire cutter. You want an 1-1.5 inches of length left of wire. Using small pliers or the wire cutter itself to bend the wire into a hook. Next tie a long pieces of raffia ribbon. Easily a few feet of ribbon length. You can always make it shorter but this raffia length is what you will use to hang it on the door. For me that meant it needed to be long enough to hang on the front, go over the top of the door and tie on the back or inside of my Dutch door where I have a tiny nail. Repeat this for every “carrot.”


I then cut 12 pieces of raffia per bottle brush tree to make the carrot leaves. For the three bigger carrots, nine were a length of 10.5 inches. The other three were around 12 inches. Gather the pieces of raffia together and loop through the hook as seen in the picture above. Gather them together and then tie a smaller piece of raffia around to hold the leaves in place.

For the smaller carrots, I made the twelve raffia ribbon lengths a combo of 9 and 10.5 inch lengths. So the carrot top isn’t a uniform length. You could also give them a hair cut after the fact. The raffia is easily shaped so they fall over nicely.

Once I had added the hanging ribbon and tops to the carrots, I gathered them together and hung them as a bunch at various heights. You can see in the picture above they are staggered as they hang, some longer, some shorter with the big guy in the back. I tied the 6 hanging ribbons together and then tied them onto my hanging nail. Midway along the hanging raffia ribbons, I added my white eyelit lace ribbon and tied a bow. This is decorative and makes the bundle look really cute.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this sweet Easter Carrot Wreath and make one for the little bunnies in your own life! Happy Easter friends!

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