The Sweetest Fall Photoshoot

We had just the sweetest fall photoshoot recently with my dear friend Ruth Eileen Photography. These pictures just lighten my heart. Because no matter what is going on in the world, these are my people! And I can look right at these and see so many blessings. What are we, about eight months into a global pandemic. Things are awry and the world feels wrong. And yet being able to capture the things that are right in our world is a beautiful thing. I refuse to take that for granted.

Fall in New England is magical and there’s just something about capturing that kind of lovely with your littles in tow. I love the yearly photoshoot probably because I didn’t grow up doing it and pictures of all of us together are scarce. I’ve been determined as I mother to document these stages. And you don’t need fancy pictures to do that. Grab a friend and drag them to a field and just be silly. But if you’re able, snag a spot with someone like Ruth Eileen Photography and you’re guaranteed some gems, it’s certainly something you will never regret.

If you’re like me, finding outfits for your family is hard! I wanted a little bit of color but not so much that it clashed with the gorgeous fall we had this year. I loved this Doen dress so much (similar one here) because it was flattering yet flowy and comfortable–perfect for chasing kiddos in an open field. Whatever you do, stay away from sack-like dresses. They always seem like a good idea but then you end up looking like a blob. Something that cinches in somewhere is key.

And let them play. Poor Ruthie must have taken a trillion pictures and mostly what she had to edit through were our kids chasing each other with giant sticks!

Fall is a great time in New England for pictures because the lighting is spectacular and there’s things for little ones to candidly do. Like tossing leaves. For those who are local, we did this photoshoot at the Macomber Estate in Framingham.

But the magic of a professional is the sweet moments like a baby hug that make me melt!

Yes there are always tears. Yes it is always hard to get everyone dressed, smiling and in one spot, especially when they are in these little years. Is it worth it? Every. Single. Time.

So thank you Ruthie for capturing this sweetest fall photoshoot with our crazy little bunch and editing through all the wielding sticks. If you’d like a similar look, I put our outfits together below.



| 1. Similar Floral Dress | 2. Earrings | 3. Men’s Sweater or this option too| 4. Strappy Boots | 5. Men’s Jeans | 6. Boy’s Sweater | 7. Boy’s Sweater | 8. Hair Bow | 9. Boy’s Jeans | 10. Boy’s Jeans (here’s an inexpensive option) | 11. Ugg Boot | 12. Gretta Dress| 13. Matching Bloomers |


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